Paving the way for next generation of cosmological surveys
LOCATION: Sport & Kurhotel at Bad Moos - Via Val Fiscalina 27, 39030, Sexten
New results and new methods in galaxy clustering
The launch of the Euclid mission (2020/2021) is approaching fast. Complementary ground-based spectroscopic surveys as DESI are similarly progressing towards a take off around the same date. Construction work of the hardware and infrastructure for these and other projects is progressing steadily, while scientists are refining their tools and simulations of the data that will be collected as to be ready to handle this avalanche of new information.
In this workshop we plan to review what we have learned and are still learning from surveys that have been just finished or are being completed (as VIPERS, BOSS, DES and eBOSS), while focusing on understanding specific biases and systematic effects foreseen for the forthcoming projects. With precisions of a percent or less on the measurement of cosmological parameters, surveys like Euclid and DESI present news and sometimes unexpected challenges introduced by their specific observing modes and the nature of their target objects. At the same time our ability to accurately model all physically relevant effects that affect the measured quantities, like, e.g., Redshift Space Distortions in the clustering pattern, still needs to be ameliorated.
The workshop aims at providing a fresh review of the scientific goals of these projects, in the light of the most recent theoretical and observational developments. Presentations and discussions will highlight new, effective ways to look at next generation datasets, through improved estimators and statistics or via novel probes.
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Scientific Organising Committee