The SCfA is promoted by the Sexten Touristic Association, the Sexten Town Council, with the scientific sponsorship of the National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF), the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) the Italian Space Agency (ASI), the Trieste University, the Ferrara University, and the Consortium for Physics of Trieste.
The main aim of SCfA is organising and hosting every year small and medium-size workshops and schools, in order to offer to scientists, working in the fields of Astrophysics, Cosmology and Physics, the opportunity to meet in an informal environment and to carry out collaborative work, surrounded by the spectacular view of the Dolomites.

The venue of the Center in summer is the building of the Primary School of Sesto, which has been kindly offered by the Sexten Town Council and the School Authorities, while in the other seasons is the Sport & Kurhotel Bad Moos.
For each workshop or school, we foresee a maximum of 40 participants in summer, and up to 60 participants in the other seasons. Moreover, it is possible to organize conferences with more the 60 participants at the Congress Hall Haus Sexten.

Sexten Primary School – Via Panorama 6 – Sexten (BZ)- Alta Pusteria, Italy
Sporthotel & Kurhotel Bad Moos - Via Val Fiscalina 27 - Sexten - Moso (BZ) Alta Pusteria, Italy
Haus Sexten - Via Dolomiti 45, 39030, Sexten (BZ) - Alta Pusteria, Italy