• Starting date: 2015/07/06
  • End: 2015/07/11

  • LOCATION: Sexten Primary School - Via Panorama 6, Sexten


    Euclid (http://sci.esa.int/euclid/) is an ESA mission with the main goal of investigating the nature of Cosmic acceleration and possible departures from General Relativity by combining two probes: weak lensing and galaxy clustering. Scientific and technical activities have already started and are now entering in a crucial phase in which statistical estimators used for analyses are developed, tested and applied on simulated and available real datasets. For galaxy clustering this requires a combination of different expertise ranging from data handling, numerical coding and scientific development of new algorithms. This workshop has the aim of bringing together key involved in the Euclid OULE3 (Organisational Units of Level 3) galaxy clustering work packages (both implementation and validation) as well as members of the galaxy Clustering Science Working Group. The goals of this workshop are: i) update on existing activities in the development of algorithms for the analysis of galaxy clustering algorithms (power spectrum, bispectrum, correlation function, 3-pt correlation function); ii) optimize the scientific outcome of galaxy clustering analyses, iii) investigate scientific cases that can and will be addressed by Euclid. We aim at a highly productive workshop in which the morning sessions are dedicated to presenting scientific and technical results and to discussing open issues and the afternoon sessions will be dedicated to collaborative work.


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    Organizers: Viel, Branchini, Borgani, Guzzo, Samushia