Preparing the science of galaxy clusters & WHIM with Athena
LOCATION: Sport & Kurhotel at Bad Moos - Via Val Fiscalina 27, 39030, Sexten
Athena is a Large Mission proposed to address the Science Theme “The Hot and Energetic Universe”, which has been selected by ESA in its Cosmic Vision program.
Our current understanding is that most of the ordinary matter (baryons) in the Universe is in a warm-hot state, both inside the potential wells of groups and clusters of galaxies and in the so-called Warm Hot Intergalactic Medium (WHIM) in filaments between the densest regions in the Cosmos. Investigating how such potential wells formed and evolved, and how and when the material trapped in them was energised and chemically enriched, can uniquely be tackled by observations in the X-ray band, combining wide-field images with high resolution spectroscopy, both of high sensitivity. Such capabilities will also serve us well when studying the WHIM, both in emission and in absorption against bright background targets. In particular,
Athena will determine how and when large-scale hot gas structures formed in the Universe and track their evolution from the formation epoch to the present day. From the unique perspective endowed to Athena by its unprecedented spectroscopic and imaging capabilities in the 0.5-12 keV range, this mission will lead the quest into solving this question from its launch in 2028. We propose a workshop at SCfA where chairs of the topical panels of the Athena Science Working Group 1 (see Athena Working Group structure at http://www.theathena-x-ray-observatory.eu/community.html) and their collaborators will revise critically the scientific goals and the activities needed to support their definitions. We plan to invite all the listed 14 chairs of SWG1 and other ~20 key players in the ongoing activities.
Tentative list of participants
Stefano Ettori (chair TP1.2; confirmed)
Gabriel Pratt (chair TP1.2; confirmed)
Dominique Eckert (chair TP1.2; confirmed)
Thomas Reiprich (chair SWG1; confirmed)
Etienne Pointecouteau (chair TP1.1; confirmed)
Judith Croston (chair TP1.3; confirmed)
Naomi Ota (chair TP1.1; confirmed)
Alexis Finoguenov (chair TP1.4; confirmed)
Jelle Kaastra (chair TP1.4; confirmed)
Jeremy Sanders (chair TP1.3)
Bryan McNamara (chair TP1.3)
Steve Allen (chair TP1.1)
Andy Fabian (chair SWG1)
Takaya Ohashi (chair SWG1)
Tentative list of invited participants: Hiroki Akamatsu Monique Arnaud Veronica Biffi Stefano Borgani Enzo Branchini Esra Bulbul Nicolas Clerc Klaus Dolag Jelle de Plaa Massimo Gaspari Fabio Gastaldello Lorenzo Lovisari Ben Maughan Pasquale Mazzotta Michael McDonald Silvano Molendi Fabrizio Nicastro Florian Pacaud Elena Rasia Mauro Roncarelli Piero Rosati Joop Schaye Paolo Tozzi Franco Vazza Mark Voit.
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Stefano Ettori