• Starting date: 2014/07/21
  • End: 2014/07/25

  • LOCATION: Sport & Kurhotel at Bad Moos - Via Val Fiscalina 27, 39030, Sexten


    Over the past five years, Redshift-Space Distortions (RSD) in the clustering of galaxies have emerged as one of the most promising probes of the nature of cosmic acceleration and stand now prominently in all planned spectroscopic experiments.  While the enthusiasm on their use has been rejuvenated in the dark energy context, their practical estimation from the data still suffers of our incomplete ability to clean the linear growth signal of all non-linear and observational effects.   Intense work on the modelling side is ongoing to improve this situation, with new and old approaches being proposed and tested. The aim is to bring systematic errors to levels comparable to the statistical errors of a few percent already delivered today by the largest data sets.

    This specialized workshop aims at bringing together a small group of the most active observers and theorists working in this area, to discuss and find new ways to measure RSD and extract unbiased cosmological information from the clustering data.  These themes are the primary goals of the ERC-funded Darklight program at Brera Observatory, which is organising this meeting.


    Scientific Program 


    To be defined



    Scientific Organizing Committee

    Luigi Guzzo (Milan, Chair), John Peacock (Edinburgh), Will Percival (Portsmouth), Beth Reid (Berkeley), Emiliano Sefusatti (Milan),

    Local Organizing Committee
    Petra Dell'Arme (Workshop Secretary) -
    Carmelita Carbone -
    Davide Bianchi -
    Matteo Zennaro -