Jets on the rocks: on the trails of radio activity in and around galaxies
LOCATION: Sport & Kurhotel at Bad Moos - Via Val Fiscalina 27, 39030, Sexten
Relativistic jets represent one of the most spectacular manifestations of accretion/ejection physics. Their multifaceted phenomenology, as observed in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), suggests a strong coupling with black-hole masses, spin, and accretion rate. Despite jets being thought to play a crucial role in the feedback invoked by galaxy evolutionary models, our knowledge of their physics and duty cycle is still limited. A complete characterization of the AGN cores at different power levels, radio-loudness and accretion rates is key to improve our knowledge significantly. However, so far mainly samples of low-luminosity AGN have been surveyed in the radio band, while high-luminosity ones dominate the high-energy surveys in X/hardX/gamma-ray bands. Therefore, the discovery space in such a field is yet to be filled and our understanding is still at its dawn. The workshop aims at gathering main experts on accretion/ejection of supermassive black holes observed at different wavelengths to brainstorm ideas on jets formation, evolution, and duty cycle and trace a path for the next observational and theoretical works in the field.
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- Gabriele Bruni (INAF-IAPS, Roma)
- Marisa Brienza (INAF-IRA, Bologna)
- Ranieri Baldi (INAF-IRA, Bologna)
- Ilaria Ruffa (U. Cardiff, UK)
Contact: jetsontherocks@inaf.it