• Starting date: 2023/03/13
  • End: 2023/03/17

  • LOCATION: Haus Sexten - Via Dolomiti 45, 39030, Sexten


    This workshop is a chance to discuss the nature and evolution of high redshift galaxies, from cosmic noon to re-ionization, as derived from a variety of observational evidence collected across the whole electromagnetic spectrum, and theoretical investigations.
    In the tradition of the previous meetings we aim at bringing together members of the main extragalactic surveys and theorists to present their latest results and perspectives for the next future.

    The workshop will be a chance to discuss the major questions on the ground, like:
    – What physical mechanisms control the growth of galaxies behind their mass?
    – How far are we from a complete census of star-formation rate in the early Universe? How much is still hidden (and not accounted for) in dusty galaxies?
    – What are the properties of galaxies at the highest redshifts?

    These main questions are further expanded in specific topics, like:
    – Reionization and properties of very first galaxies;
    – Star formation and mass assembly at high redshift;
    – Gas and dust properties, very dusty galaxies at high redshift;
    – Statistical properties of high redshift galaxies and AGNs;
    – Links and differences between AGN and starburst galaxies at cosmic noon

    Special focus on early JWST results

    With the beginning of the JWST observations on in July 2022, the timing of the workshop makes it an ideal chance to discuss the first JWST results and their implications, and identify open questions and future directions.

    We have invited key representatives of the public and GTO extragalactic surveys and invite them to present their earliest results.

    Workshop location and format

    The workshop attendance will be limited to about 50 scientists. The format allows ample time for presentations (all oral, no poster is foreseen) and for interactive work among the participants.

    The workshop will be either hosted by the Sexten Center for Astrophysics, located in Sexten (Italy), or by the close-by Bad Moos hotel, depending on the evolution of the pandemics.


    Bus reservation is now open.


    350 Eur




    – A. Fontana (INAF Rome Obs, Chair)
    – J. Dunlop (UEDIN)
    – D. Elbaz (CEA)
    – H. Ferguson (STScI)
    – P. Santini (INAF Rome Obs)
    – A. Shapley (UCLA)
    – R. Somerville (Flatiron)