• Starting date: 2017/07/24
  • End: 2017/07/28

  • LOCATION: Haus Sexten - Via Dolomiti 45, 39030, Sexten


    In the next decade the Cherenkov Telescope Array will open a new era in the Very High Energy domain with its superior performance with respect to the current generation of VHE telescopes. After reviewing the state of the art in very high-energy astrophysics, the exciting science made possible by CTA will be highlighted using the current Montecarlo simulations of the array performance.

    We plan to explore all the CTA scientific areas both in the galactic and in the extragalactic domains as well as in the fundamental physics one.
    A multi-wavelength and multi-messenger approach will also be discussed. A dedicated session will present also future gamma-ray missions concepts and their relation to CTA.

    The lectures will be delivered in the morning, while the afternoon will be generally devoted to hands on session.

    The school is open to PhD students, post-docs and researchers interested to learn how CTA will change our understanding of the Very High-Energy sky.




    300 Eur



    Scientific Organising Committee
    P.Caraveo (INAF Milano)
    N.Giglietto (Politecnico e INFN Ba)
    G.Tosti (Universita' di Perugia, INFN Pg e INAF OAB)
    S.Vercellone (INAF OAB)